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Finding Inspiration


Recently, I've received a lot of emails from women saying I'm an inspiration to them. I am so humbled by this and I really want to share a gift of insight with you: Don't go it alone! I found resources, built networks and follow other women who inspire me. Here are two of them I want to share with you. Ali Brown has an important list of 10 success secrets. I find them incredibly valuable and they're FREE. You can listen here: I also have a mentor and a coach. Through a networking group lead by a mutual friend, I met Mary Jo Van Horn. She has had a successful business similar to what I wanted to build, so I asked her if she'd share with me what works and what doesn't. She was so helpful, that I later asked Mary Jo to coach me. I'm still working her coaching program and continue learning more every day! I believe with all my heart we can never stop learning! If you'd like to learn more about Mary Jo and how she might help you, visit her page She also offers a FREE chapter from the workbook I'm currently working through.

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