Invisible Innocence
Our heart skipped a beat when we learned about Invisible Innocence and its mission to connect and support victims of human trafficking. It’s our belief that a nonprofit making a positive difference deserves positive and inspiring designs to back up their brand.
We began with our branding knowledge and multiplied it by the undeniable passion of Invisible Innocence founder, Brandi Jude.
We wanted our work to inspire personal action, prompt feelings of strength and cause a conversation among the community with an intentional missing letter to represent those who have gone missing among us.
That’s why we created an intriguing, make-you-think logo to start the conversation about an important message. The stacked logotype stands out in the busiest instances and offers a sense of stability, security, and strength - exactly what Invisible Innocence offers to those it helps. The logo intends to move a message and that’s exactly what we were aiming for.
The newly designed Invisible Innocence website is the only resource for those who will help support those who need it. We chose simple navigation and a clean layout with brightly colored background graphics to drive a positive feeling for users.
To complete the look, we wanted to set the Invisible Innocence fundraising events apart from others in their city. The oversized posters demanded attention with bold colors, smart event detail layout, and easy to read font faces and sizes.